Diana McLaughlin, M.D.

Kids' Medical Care

10661 Airport Pulling Road Suite 9, Naples, FL 34109

Phone: (239) 591-8481

Fax: (239) 596-0212

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After Hours Care

Parents may call the office and leave a message on the voicemail for after-office hours clinical questions. Parents are instructed to follow the direction given on the after-hours voice-mail. An on-call pediatrician will return your message within 45 minutes. After-hours phone messages are answered by KMC on-call pediatrician. If the physician determines that your medical concern requires immediate attention, you will be referred to the closest pediatric emergency room or urgent care. If the physician determines that your medical concern may be deferred until regular office hours, you may be given temporary medical advice and recommended to make the next available appointment. Patients are encouraged to provide KMC’s contact information to all after-hours medical providers.

Diana McLaughlin, M.D., P.A. - Kids' Medical Care
Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
10661 Airport Pulling Road, Suite 9
Naples, FL 34109
Phone: 239-591-8481